Thursday 20 August 2015

Summer Eating!!

Well hello folks,

It has been a while and this post is long overdue.

I have basically started and stopped it over the past two months which is very similar to the way my diet is going! I start on a Monday with the greatest intentions and by lunchtime on Monday my get up and go looks like it never turned up at all!

As mentioned in my previous post I fell off the wagon since May 1st, I cannot get myself back in the zone at all.  Have I put back on all the weight I lost since the beginning? No but I haven't kept it all off either.  So much for the words "I'll never see that number on the scales again" ha ha nope in truth I've probably seen it about 3 times in the past three months.

So my summer eating plan has consisted of well pretty much eating what I wanted to! Of course this isn't helped by the fact that I am doing sweet f**k all exercise! I seem to always have something I need to do or somewhere I need to be.

I did join a slimming world recently, however I went to a daytime class and I did have a few issues with it. I am unsure if I should say what my issues were because I might come across as a bit of a whinge (and god forbid I would come across like that ha ha)  but one of them was during the class - which by the way I think takes a bit too long,  the other people in the group talked amongst themselves during the whole time our leader was speaking! I struggled to hear what she was saying and all I wanted to do was stand up and tell them to stop talking!  I won't pretend I have even tried the slimming world programme I read over the books and I just can't grasp it - how can I eat all of that food and still lose weight? I know the success that has come from it because I have spoken with people about it and seen the amazing results that have come from it and hats off and well done to all of those people - I just wish I could "Get It" ....if anyone wants to offer some tips and advice I would be delighted! I am going to look at some other classes and see where I can go that suits me best - Do all slimming world classes take over an hour? 

So now I am sitting here typing wondering what do I say or do to get back on track, And really the answer is very simple - CLOSE MY MOUTH MORE AND MOVE MY LEGS MORE!!

Kids are back at school in a weeks time so that is my starting date, in the mean time I am going to try and be good...I use the word try because I know this weekend I won't be as I am heading off to Killarney to the Races on Saturday and I plan to eat drink and be very merry :-) My trying this weekend will be seeing how I manage my hangover and how much I eat that day! 

I will also blog more about it all, I will do my best to do a once a week or minimum once a fortnight, sometimes it will be about weight loss and other times I really do hope I can mix it up. 

Thats it for now,I am going to sign off with a quote I have saved to my phone - in the hopes of it inspiring me.

"The pain of reaching your goal will only last a short while,  
The pain of not trying, will last a lifetime"


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